Friday 5 March 2010

What's it all for?

Hi there, Gordon White here and I'm helping the guys with there campaign to take part in the Drambuie Pursuit 2010.  I though I would just let you know a bit about the charity that will benefit if everyone votes for them and they are successful in the challenge.  The guys are supportin CLAN, here's some information about the charity:

CLAN is an independent charity for anyone affected by any type of cancer at any time from diagnosis onwards. Whether affected personally, as a carer, family member or close friend, our services are available to you. 

Based at CLAN House in Aberdeen, we cover the whole of Grampian, Orkney and Shetland. Some of our services are available to people living outside these areas, specifically CLAN Haven and the CLAN Holiday Home.

So, it's really important that you give them your vote.  To do that please click here and remember to select their name "Garioch Goers" on the screen on the left before you vote.

Thanks for your support.


Tuesday 2 March 2010

Back in training

Well after nearly 3 weeks I finally managed a run last night - just over 2 miles round some of the streets in Inverurie. Shocking how condition has gone from me though some may argue it perhaps was not there in the first place. The torn back muscles have hopefully healed but its been a nightmare as you can imagine. Frank, Grant and Bob have all managed to do something while I have been forced into sitting round drinking wine (or should that be Drambuie) and feeling sorry for myself - bummer - but payback time has started for the Drambuie Pursuit and my fellow Garioch Goers

Please remember to vote for us on the Drambuie Pursuit web site and please note you have to select Garioch Goers on the left hand column before you select the red voting button.

Cheers Keith

Monday 1 March 2010


Team Members: Keith Whyte, Bob Minto, Frank Mathers, Grant Fuller

Our Chosen Charity: CLAN - Cancer Link Aberdeen & North

We are a team of 4 "long in the tooth shall we say" local businessmen here in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. Most people know someone who has been effected by cancer of some sort and we all want to be able to help make a difference in some way - hence our commitment to CLAN.  We are keen to prove that being "over 40" does not mean we are "over the hill" when it comes to a challenge. Grey hair is the new black is it not !